April Events: Food Gardening Workshop, Saturday Work Party, Earth Day Plant Sale
Windsor Garden Club is moving outdoors for April!
Food Gardening Workshop
Come join your fellow WGC members, community gardeners and friends for a special food gardening workshop delivered by Sonoma County Master Gardeners. The free event is this Saturday, April 14, in the Town Green Community Garden on Joe Rodota Way in the Town Hall complex starting at 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Put on your garden shoes, bring a hat and a chair and get ready to learn the latest tips on the topic of "The Spring-Summer Food Garden."
If you'd like to stay for the potluck lunch afterwards, bring a dish: bring a dish for potluck in the garden afterwards. A-F. Appetizer,G-L drinks,M-Q Hearty Salad or side,R-Z Dessert. WGC will provide tableware.
This special workshop serves as the April WGC meeting. The evening meeting of Tuesday April 24 is CANCELLED - so come enjoy the outdoor meeting Saturday instead.
Second Saturday Workday
It'll be a busy day in the community garden because April 14 is also the Second Saturday workday for community gardeners. All community garden plot renters are required to put in six hours of volunteer time per year maintaining the common areas of the garden. Turn out Saturday between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. with your gloves, some water, and your favorite garden tool to help tidy up paths and other areas. Be sure to note your hours in the green workbook in the kiosk.
Come Help Out at the Spring Plant Sale April 22!
It's time for the Windsor Garden Club's annual Spring Plant Sale Sunday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Windsor Town Green. The sale is part of Windsor's Earth Day and Wellness Festival. It's a major fundraiser for the club, helping to pay for scholarships and other club activities. Can you help pot some plants beforehand or work for an hour or two the day of the sale? We need you! Contact us at officers@windsorgardenclub.org or email club president Cindy Fenton at cfenton1957@gmail.com.
This year WGC will be selling tomato and veggie starts, beautiful bee and butterfly plants and color gardens, succulents, and "DIY" garden items and supplies.