Succulent Pumpkin Workshop Set for Oct. 21
Did Someone Say Pumpkins?

September/October 2023
Time to Get Workshop Tickets, Special Orders!
It's that time of year: time to get your Succulent Pumpkin(s). This year, Windsor Garden Club will hold one succulent pumpkin building workshop on Saturday, Oct. 21. Tickets are $35 for WGC members, $50 for non-members. Class size is limited to 20.
Ticket pays for one pumpkin, plus all succulents and embellishment items (acorns, rose hips, berries, etc.). The workshop starts with a design demonstration.
Then pick a pumpkin that calls to you, and decorate away! WGC will have experienced decorators on hand to help you. The location for the mid-day workshop will be outdoors, in the garden of WGC founder and longtime leader Cindy Fenton, and will be emailed to you upon ticket purchase. Click on the buttons below to buy tickets online.
Email to make arrangements to purchase via check.
NEW! Made to Order Succulent Pumpkins
WGC will create a limited number of succulent pumpkins as special "batch" orders for businesses and other customers. Minimum special order is 10 medium pumpkins at $35 each, for a total of $350.
Email before Oct. 1 to ask about bulk orders.
As Always, The Succulent Pumpkin Workshop and Succulent Pumpkin Sale are the largest annual fundraisers for the nonprofit Windsor Garden Club. Your purchase of tickets and orders is a charitable donation. Your $25 annual dues to Windsor Garden Club are also a charitable donation. Discounted ticket pricing for WGC members reflects their earlier donation to the club. Pricing reflects costs of materials and is always set at levels below what similar goods would cost if bought already made at a florist, nursery, or home decor shop.
Your donations are always appreciated!