Butterflies in Windsor: What's Up?
Join the Windsor Garden Club Zoom Happy Hour at 5 p.m. this Wednesday, March 17 (2021) to learn what's up with local efforts to help the Monarch butterfly and other butterfly species.
WGC's own Cindy Fenton will tell us about Project Monarch - an effort to get 100 Windsor residents to plant milkweed in their back yards to support the Monarchs that migrate here annually. We'll also go over other plants you can use to attract and feed butterflies.
Cindy is a Windsor Garden Club founder, past president and current Town Green Community Garden leader.
This WGC Happy Hour Zoom happens to be on St. Patrick's Day this year - wear some green and come to your computer to join us for some garden talk!
Windsor Garden Club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Click on the link below to join, or enter the Meeting ID if you prefer. You will need the passcode to get in.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81649228491...
Meeting ID: 816 4922 8491 Passcode: Clover
