Join the Windsor Days Parade Entry!
Windsor Garden Club is looking for 10 participants to be in the Windsor Days Parade on Saturday, May 5, from 9 a.m. to noon.
Participants will meet at 9 a.m. at Windsor High School (8695 Windsor Road) in the staging area located in the north parking lot. The parade starts promptly at 10 a.m.
The parade route winds from WHS down Johnson Street, Windsor River Road, McClelland Drive, and then loops back around to the high school, a route that's about 2 miles long. The parade offers a 60-second performance time at the announcer's stand in front of the Masonic Lodge (371 Windsor River Road) and the grandstand located on McClelland Drive.
This year's parade theme is "It's a Small World."
Eight participants in the WGC entry will be pushing wheelbarrows, and two will be holding the Windsor Garden Club banner.
Participants are asked to wear blue-jean material style clothing on the lower body, and solid colored shirts on the upper body. Shoes need to be a comfortable walking style. Sunglasses and sunscreen are highly recommended.
Additional costumes and props will be supplied by WGC if needed.
There will be a parade rehearsal Thurs, April 27 at 5:30 p.m. in the Windsor Community Garden Parking Lot.
For details contact Dannen Lee at
Thank you for your support in making the Windsor Garden Club an active and visible part of the community!