Don't Wilt: Come Play with WGC Sept. 20!

It was 99 in Windsor Sunday -- are you wilting yet? If you're ready for fall, come get in the mood for autumn at the Windsor Garden Club meeting Tuesday (Sept. 20) at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Windsor Senior Center, 9231 Foxwood Drive. We're holding a free hands-on workshop on how to build decorative holiday pumpkins fit for centerpieces, hostess gifts, mantles, front porches and more.
The club's floral design experts will demonstrate how to use moss, succulents, acorns, dried flowers and more to create these popular items.
Doors open at 6:20 p.m. for refreshments and mingling time; club announcements are set for6:30 p.m., workshop begins by 6:45 p.m. and the meeting ends at 8 p.m. WGC will provide small (hand-sized) pumpkins and all other materials needed -- including glue guns. Bring an apron and a friend and build a pumpkin! If you'd like, you can purchase your pumpkin and take it home with you at the end of the workshop. Price will vary depending on the amount of materials used, but should be no more than $10. Pumpkins not successfully adopted out after the workshop will be sold at the annual Fall Pumpkin & Plant Sale Oct. 23 at the Windsor Farmers' Market. If cared for correctly, the succulent-topped pumpkins can last from October through early spring. The key is ventilating the bottom by setting the pumpkin on a trivet or other airflow-inducing surface, and remembering to frequently mist the succulent plantings on the top of any pumpkins kept inside, according to WGC member and succulent expert Noreen Fenton. Come spring (or sooner, if you forget to mist...) the succulents can be removed from the top of the pumpkins and the pumpkin itself can go into the compost pile or green waste bin. Learn how to use a glue gun and make a chic holiday pumpkin! Come join us. The Fall Pumpkin & Plant Sale and the Spring Plant Sale are the Windsor Garden Club's two major fundraisers. Proceeds from the two plant sales fund WGC education, garden and beautification projects in and around the Town of Windsor. Click here to read more about what WGC plant sales fund.