Windsor Garden Club Organic Spring Plant Sale is Here!
Tomatoes & Veggies & Herbs & Flower Starts For Sale

The Windsor Garden Club is holding its annual Spring Plant Sale right now - This Year in Covid-Safe format!
Starting this Sunday, April 18, the club is offering a selection of organic veggie starts that can tolerate cool night temperatures dipping into the 40s. Another crop of organic veggie and flower varieties that can't be planted until night-time temperatures warm up will be available for sale beginning Saturday, May 1. Sale ends May 6 or as long as supplies last.
Plants will be available for purchase and pickup in Windsor at the home of WGC Past President Cindy Fenton's house from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekends and 10 a.m. to noon Mondays, Thursdays or Fridays. Please wear a mask and maintain social distancing while browsing and buying plants. For directions to the plant sale location, email Cindy Fenton at
Prices for plant starts are $3 for singles, and $5 per 6-pak. Proceeds from the sale go to fund the Town Green Community Garden bed rebuild project. Cash and checks only -- no credit card sales available.
Scroll down for growing instructions and list of plants available.
Instructions & Tips from Cindy Fenton
When to plant your summer garden:
When night time temperatures are ~50 degrees. This is often the last week of April or the first week of May. The forecast from the 18ththru the week is for lows from 47-51 so it is a great time to plant. (Lemon cukes, basil, peppers, winter squash should wait until May to get the best results. Buy and protect at night if you want to take a chance. If temperatures drop to 45 it can be as easy as popping a black nursery pot over the top to keep the damp off the plants.
Tomato and Veggie Definitions
Indeterminate = a tomato that grows and bears fruit until frost, lack of water or a disease halts growth. Good for kitchen gardeners but usually requires a large cage. In tropical areas indeterminates can grow 25 ft vines and live for 3 or more years.
Determinate = a tomato that grows to a determined size (sometimes listed as bush) and produces a lot of tomatoes in a smaller window of time. Good for canners and can take a smaller cage or sprawl. Slugs can eat if uncaged.
dth=Days to Harvest How many days it takes, on average, to pick a ripe tomato after planting. Tomatoes usually get better and better through the season. First harvested fruit can be a bit bland so hang in there if trying something new. Make sure to pick a good variety ( 60 dth) to tide you over to your 80 + dth varieties.
OP = Open pollinated. You can save these seeds if you wish and they will come true to type of plant from which they were harvested if they do not cross pollinate with another tomato next to them via the wind or an insect.
Hybrid = A tomato that has been crossed by a breeder for disease resistance that will likely not come true to type if you save seed. Heirloom marriage tomatoes are newer OP varieties crossed for flavor for the home and market grower.
Container Friendly =a smaller tomato that can be grown in the ground or a very large pot if given extra fertilizer monthly. 15 gallon Smart Pots out of fabric or a plastic pot will work well.
April 18th Varieties for Sale
Cherry Tomatoes
· Super Sweet 100 Hybrid-Trusses of sweet red cherries. Productive OP large indeterminate plant. 60dth. *
· Yellow Jelly Bean hybrid-Very sweet pear shaped fruit. Large productive indeterminate hybrid- 72 dth. *
· Chocolate Cherry- extremely flavorful heirloom taste for sauce or fresh eating. 1” round fruit in trusses that hold the stem well and can ripen on the counter. productive with good disease resistance. OP indeterminate, 72 dth.
Popular Easy to Grow Main Crop Tomatoes
· Early Girl Hybrid-the most popular main crop tomato. A productive, disease resistant, reliable hybrid. 6-8 oz fruits, Indeterminate, 50 dth
Large Slicers
· Heirloom Beefsteak-For those of you who want to grow a large slicer for sandwiches. Productive OP heirloom, Indeterminate, 80 dth *
Sauce and Drying Tomatoes + Tomatillos
· Italian Roma- An Italian heirloom roma, 3 inch oblong meaty, thick walled tomato primarily for cooking. A compact determinate reaching 4 tall. 80 dth
· San Marzano Lunga No 2- Dry and meaty for sauce, this productive tomato is considered the best tasting paste tomato in the world by gourmet chefs. That is why it costs a dollar more/can at the grocery store. It also requires good calcium absorption and a regular watering schedule or it gets blossom end rot rather easily. This variety is reported to be more resistant. 3-4 inch long oblong fruit, OP, Indeterminate, 74 dth.
· De Milpa Tomatillos- Smaller and more purplish, these are the the sought after gourmet tomatillos rcommended by our community gardeners from Michoacan. Hard to find seed but I finally did. The fruit hangs on the plant in lantern-like husks and is ready to harvest when it drops to the ground. Freezes well. Must have 2 plants to guarantee fruit because it is not self-fertile! If you are in the community garden you can probably get by with one plant.*
Container-Friendly Tomatoes
· Bloody Butcher- A container friendly saladette with 3-4 oz fruits that have a rich tomato taste. Good canner. Potato leaf, Semi-determinate. Steady supply for smaller family. OP. 55 dth *
· Maralinga Dwarf-a container friendly beefsteak that is a new trial variety from Victory Seeds. A cross of a Cherokee Purple and the Australian dwarf tomato Wilpena. 4 ft high, OP Indeterminate. 75 dth. Great reviews from down under.
· Principe Borghese- (Prin-si-pee Bor-gay-zuh) A container friendly cook’s tomato. Bulletproof 4 ft Italian heirloom for drying, roasting - not fresh eating. Can whole with basil for winter. Dave’s Garden has rave reviews + canning instructions. Very productive all season and sets fruit even in 100+ heat. I will always plant this one after growing it last year. The cooks tomato. 1-2 oz oblong fruits, OP, Indeterminate, 78 dth.
· Padron-The classic Spanish tapas pepper that you pick at 1-2 “ and quickly fry in a hot oiled, salted skillet for an appetizer. Prolific but if you let them get large they are super hot. Occasionally a small one is hot as well. OP 60 dth -
· Jalapenos-The mild pepper that is prolific and versatile in the kitchen. Makes wonderful easy quick pickles to add to dishes as a garnish. OP 60 dth or 80 dth for red peppers.
· Big Red Bell-Thick walled juicy big bell peppers that can be harvested green or allowed to turn red and sweet. 18-24 inches tall. Smallest tomato cages can help keep branches from breaking. OP 75 dth for red sweet peppers.
· Jimmy Nardello-A very prolific sweet Italian frying/roasting pepper. 20-24” tall with thin 10” long peppers. OP 80-90 dth
· Poblano-The mild/medium heart shaped pepper used for stuffing in chili rellenos. When dried it is called ancho and is used in sauces like mole. 2 ft tall. OP 70-80 dth.
Flowers for Pollinators in $5 jumbo 6 paks
