Free Dirt Was So Fun, We're Doing it Again April 17
Another Free Compost Giveaway Coming April 17 (2021)
Get your garden growing right with some free organic compost Saturday, April 17 (2021) in Windsor. The self-serve event for Windsor residents is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Keiser Park, 700 Windsor River Road. The first event April 3 was so popular more than 115 families turned up; organizers from WeAct Windsor had to turn families away at the end of the event. Due to demand, WeAct and Windsor Garden Club and the Town of Windsor are joining forces again to host a second compost giveaway Arpil 17.
Wear your masks (masks are required) and stay socially distanced. Participants should bring their own shovels and gloves plus tarps, buckets, feedbags and/or a pickup truck to take home up to a half cubic yard of compost, donated by Cold Creek Compost of Ukiah. The Free Compost Giveaway is organized by the Windsor Earth Action Climate Team (WeAct), the Windsor Garden Club, Windsor Wellness Partnership, and Zero Waste Sonoma. Gardeners know organic compost replenishes the soil and boosts plants with nutrients, microorganisms, and organic matter, improves water retention, recycles organic resources, helps conserve landfill use, and pulls carbon out of the atmosphere. "We really want to promote organic gardening. It's good for our neighbors, good for our town and good for the planet," said Bob Adams of WeAct. For more details or questions contact WeAct at or 707-494-0222. ************************* Regalo de Abono Orgánico en Windsor WeAct (Windsor Earth Action Climate Team) se ha unido con Cold Creek Compost, Committee for Change, Windsor Garden Club, Windsor Wellness Partnership, and Zero Waste Sonoma para organizar un evento para regalar abono orgánico! Detalles del evento: Sábado 17 de abril De: 9:00 - 13:00 Lugar: Keiser Park Gratis ½ Cu.Yd. per hogar Qué traer para transportar: ● Palas, guantes ● Lonas, cubetas, bolsas de alimento vacías, y / o una camioneta (se dispondrá de algunas bolsas de alimentación adicionales) Use su cubrebocas: Beneficios del abono orgánico El abono revitaliza la tierra y alimenta sus plantas con nutrientes, microorganismos y materia orgánica, mejora la retención de agua, recicla los recursos orgánicos, ayuda a minimizar el uso de los vertederos y extrae el carbono de la atmósfera. Si tiene preguntas, contacta WeAct. Contacto: or 707-494-0222