Come to the Pollinator Workshop Sunday!
It's Pollinator Week, and still not too late to plant for butterflies and bees and a healthy ecosystem! Come join Windsor Garden Club Sunday, June 26, from 9AM to noon at the Windsor Senior Center, 9231 Foxwood Drive. We're having a hands-on workshop on how to turn your home garden into a monarch/pollinator Waystation.
You'll learn what plants to use and how to plant them to create an easy backyard (or front-yard) flowerbed to feed and shelter Monarch butterflies, as well as other plants that will make your garden a favorite spot for other butterflies, as well as bees and humming birds.
Volunteers will receive free Gray Stripe Sunflower starts to take home for the bees, and a 10-pack of native milkweed starts to provide habitat for Monarch caterpillars. Each Waystation 10-pak has seven native narrowleaf and three native showy milkweed starts.
After learning about the Monarch Waystation program and efforts by Windsor Garden Club and the Healdsburg Pollinator Group to get 100 residents in each town to become a Monarch Waystation, participants will plant pollinator-friendly plants at the Windsor Senior Center.
Bring water, a hat, and gloves. We will be spreading compost and planting native milkweed, sunflowers, zinnias, verbena bonariensis, and cosmos in celebration of Pollinator Week 2022. Park in the parking lot, and take the sidewalk to the left of the building.
If you have any questions or plan on coming please email Cindy at
See you at the Windsor Senior Center!
