More Dirt! Get Free Compost Saturday April 9!
Local environmental groups and the Town of Windsor have joined forces to hold two free self-serve compost giveaways for Windsor residents this spring. The first is coming up Saturday, Feb. 5, from 9 a.m. to noon at Keiser Park.
Event Details:
When: Saturday, April 9, 2022 and Saturday April 9, 2022. Rain cancels.
Time: 9 am – 12 noon.
Location: Keiser Park, 700 Windsor River Rd, Windsor
What: Up to one half cubic yard of free premium compost per Windsor household
What to Bring
• A car to Haul-Your-Own compost.
• Shovels, gloves
• Tarps, buckets, feedbags &/or a pick-up truck (extra feedbags will be available)
WeAct (Windsor Earth Action Climate Team), Cold Creek Compost, the Town of Windsor Parks and Recreation Department, Windsor Garden Club, Daily Acts, Windsor Wellness Partnership, and Zero Waste Sonoma are the groups behind the compost giveaways.
Benefits of Organic Compost
Compost replenishes the soil and boosts your plants with nutrients, microorganisms, and organic matter, improves water retention, recycles organic resources, helps conserve landfill use, and pulls carbon out of the atmosphere.
About WeAct
WeAct is the primary organizer behind the free compost giveaways for Windsor residents. "We are a group of dedicated citizens in Windsor working to address the global climate emergency through local action," said group leader Bob Adams.
Contact the group at or 707-494-0222
