Learn to Harvest the Rain Nov. 17

Learn How to Harvest Rain Nov. 17 in Windsor
“Rain Harvesting 101” is the topic at the next Windsor Garden Club meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 17.
Professionals from Daily Acts will give an illustrated overview of harvesting rainwater at home – taking measures to safely slow, spread and sink water into the ground in and around your yard. Those include rain gardens, earthworks, swales, rain tanks and rain barrels.
Program coordinators will also talk about how to choose which rain harvesting system makes the most sense for your yard, and small rain harvesting techniques that can make an impact if adopted by enough homes. A question and answer period will cap the presentation.
Daily Acts is a Sonoma County nonprofit organization dedicated to home-scale sustainability solutions and sustainability education. The presentation is sponsored by the Town of Windsor and free and open to the public. No reservations are required but those interested are asked to register on the Daily Acts website to help the agency anticipate materials needed for the evening. Register at dailyacts.org.
Those who forget to register are welcome to sign in at the door. The Windsor Garden Club meetings are always free and open to the public. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 17 with refreshments and short announcements, and the presentation will begin at 6:45 p.m. in the large hall of the Windsor Senior Center, 9231 Foxwood Drive, Windsor, CA, 95492. For more details, visit www.windsorgardenclub.org.
After the meeting, those interested can also sign up for a February Daily Acts hands-on Windsor workshop on large-scale home residential rain storage tanks and barrels. One inch of rain on a 1,000 square-foot roof will yield more than 600 gallons of water.
In the February workshop, participants will learn how to calculate their home catchment potential, choose and place the appropriate cisterns, and link a home rainwater harvesting and storage system together. Location will be given to those who sign up.